06 Aug Another COVID-19 Update
As all Melbournians would be aware, we have entered Stage 4 restrictions due to the COVID-19 pandemic for a period of at least 6 weeks.
We are still trading at Cellar Door (for those in and around Kangaroo Ground) with contactless sales, and online through our Web shop.
In the past, a couple of our wines have only been available at Cellar Door, however due to the current COVID-19 restrictions all our wines and mixed 6 packs are now able to be purchased through our Web shop as well. We are continuing to offer free shipping in Victoria for online orders of $100 or more (use the code FREESHIPVIC at checkout).
For our loyal local customers, Cellar Door remains open for wines sales only Mon – Fri 10am-1pm, 2pm-5pm and Sat 10am-12noon.
Our attendance at Eltham Farmers Market remains suspended until further notice.
Continue to stay healthy and stay safe.
Ken & Chris @KKG